Sanctuary ~KnightVSPrincess |
Stepping stones in dreams Sparks and heat travel in my veins
Wrapping my arms around my knees
Navigations by the music notes above =)
Ong Wendy 王慧莉 KnightVSPrincess Prongs Usa-Chan ILoveJoren LOVES Yamada Ryosuke (OMG), Chinen Yuuri, Nakajima Yuto, Arioka Daiki of Hey! Say! JUMP Nakatsu Shuichi, Kayashima Taiki, Nakao Senri, Minami Nanba of HanaKimi Fahrenheit飞轮海 东城卫 Sea Level (now BB Chord) Prince王子, Brian小傑, Wayne阿緯 of Lollipop 棒棒堂 Maodi毛弟, Ben阿本 of Choc7 超克7 Miyano Mamoru Ouran High School Host Club Shirota Yuu A VERY DETAILED PROFILE On 18th December 1991, a certain baby girl is born at Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore, through caesarian by Dr Kowa. The baby girl is then dubbed as ONG WENDY 王慧莉. Her chinese name follows her roots and generation, with the surname 王 and generation name 慧 and her virtue 莉. She is brought up speaking English and Chinese and learnt Malay during her schooling in Malaysia. She's of Hokkien dialect and can carry out daily conversation in Hokkien. She can converse a little in Cantonese. She's the only child in the family, thus her parents dotes on her a lot. She's proud that her father had never had to discipline her. She loves all of her family members, even those that she can't stand. Her familiar is a book. Her passion for reading burns after she read Harry Potter. She enjoys watching game shows, especially Japanese game shows. She love day dreaming and take it as a way to make herself feel better. She enjoys laughing and do not like tears on her face, so she keeps her tears in the attic of her mind, constantly disappearing them. She'll be back in Singapore in year 2009, where she hopes to excel in the field of Engineering. Red Cross and Red Crescent Society is the one that matures her and let her see the world with her own eyes. She loves being a member of the Kiwanis big family and hopes to remain an active member even though she'll be leaving Key Club end of this year. She's also proud to be a Convent girl (Attended 1998-2008 Class of 2008) From Class 1 Delima in 1998, then 2 Delima (1999), 3 Delima (2000), 4 Delima (2001), 5 Delima (2002), 6 Delima (2003), then Secondary 1 Cempaka (no streaming, not counted, Year 2004), 2 Anggerik (2005) and 3 Anggerik (2006) she had been a student of the top class in school. Year 2007 marks her slip, as she continues in class 4 Science 2 and then 5 Science 2 (2008), which was when she decided to slow down and takes things slowly while finding her roots and thinking and deciding for her future. And that special girl is me =) NAMES I LIKE Catrin J-ny Nathally Scarlett Skysong Summer Sunnie Renee Edwin Junior Sunny Windflame Wyz Names may be taken from literacy works, but never from any individual. So don't confuse the names with someone anybody knows :) Friday, February 20, 2009 Just came back from Sports Day! :DI reached Stadium at about 7.15 and saw Esther there already. Both of us wore yellow shirt and yellow shoes! Then I went in while Esther waited for Si Wei and Tracy. Saw my dear marchers drinking Red Bull. =.= Disturbed 'No Ants!' a while, then climb up to the seats there. After a while, Si Wei and Tracy came. After quite sometime, the big shot came, and marching starts! I concluded that Xavier and Teresa is gonna win marching no more, it'll be Michael or Patrick. And CMRC so wasted! Hand swing so nice, should wear gloves ma!! And Esther Cheng! Why your timing different with your team? Banyak cantik, muka kau! And then, cheering! First, St Teresa... Then, St Michael! Then, St Patrick! And finally... My phone no more battery. >.<>'s cheering? I want it! Pretty please? Took very little pictures. Lol, thanks to my poor phone's battery life. >.< Michael marchers getting ready. Run ar! In front somemore! Run! FASTER!!! YES! YES!! GO PATRICK GO PATRICK, MICHAEL AND TERESA FASTER CATCH UP!!! DON'T LET XAVIER WIN!!!! Oh no, OH NO NO NO!!! Pity, I did not take picture of the last score update. >_< Lastly RESULTS:: Marching (in order): St Xavier St Michael St Teresa St Patrick [[Wendy says: THIS IS CRACKPOT! It should be Michael or Patrick lor! Refer to my comment above, below the marching videos. You can so obvious see Xavier totally was so messy la! And Patrick last? Purr-lease!]] Cheering (in order): St Xavier St Michael St Patrick St Teresa [[Wendy says: Entertainment wise, Xavier rocks. But, cheering wise, TERPESONG. APA INI CHEERING?!?! I know the school forbid many stunts, but still! It isn't cheering! It's entertainment! (Beats the creative dance hands down)]] Overall (in order): St Xavier St Michael St Patrick St Teresa [[Wendy says: Which means, MICHAEL HAVE NEW SEATS NEXT YEAR!!!]] P/S: CMRC is champion for Unit Beruniform marching, sharing the top spot with St John! Kadet Polis: FATALITY. Tee hee! Music is Love. Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Oh, Toh Kar Inn, I just adore you SOOOOOOO much!! Thanks for tagging, so that I have something to do! =DDirections: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog or a note on Facebook with sixteen random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose ten people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment ("you’re it") and to read your blog. You can’t tag the person who tagged you. Since you can’t tag me, let me know when you've posted your blog/note, so I can see your weirdness. 1. I enjoy Friendster. It's easier for me to keep in touch with my friends who shifted tu luar negara or so, cause it's simple and anything works with just a click. Facebook do lag sometime, so that took off loads of brownie points. And Friendster is also a fantastic way of entertainment. Where else can you view those Lala photos? With caption like "ii lurvve mii boyyfren sooo machi!" or "kawaii-ne? ii lurrve this pix of mii~~ n_n". Facebook is , apparently, only suitable for the likes of us. Too cheem for Lalas. 2. I like dressing up my hair. Although I usually leave the house with just a simple ponytail or let down, I enjoy putting my hair up in a elaborate manner, and occasionally trying out a hairstyle from a magazine or picture or whatsoever. Or maybe just create one myself. That's why I have BOTH a hair straightener AND a hair curler (?). But, no, I don't go out that way, no matter how nice it is. Leceh la. 3. I like tops that looks like 2 piece, but is, in fact, one piece. No, not One Piece the manga/anime. Oh, and those overlarge sweaters and hoodies? I love it. And those T-shirt with those words? My favourite lines on my shirts (so far of those I own) are 'World's Greatest Boss' and 'Rules don't apply to me'. I also like to mix'n'match my clothes. I don't like dressing the same as anyone. 4. I like DIY. And I'm practically the plumber+electrician+contractor+technician+whatever of my house. A tap leaking? WENDY!!! The toilet bowl isn't working? WENDY!!! The switch malfunctioned? WENDY!!! Short circuit? WENDY!!! A crack in the wall? WENDY!!! A dispenser needs fixing? WENDY!!! The Internet isn't working? WENDY!!! Can't find anything? WENDY!!! Water not boiled? WENDY!!! and so on. Get the picture? All those repairing used to be Dad's job, but I'm very interested in all those since I was 5. I'm very imaginative. Read my English essays? No?! You should! 6. I'm super addicted to GXC! Read my post about GXC, 2 posts before. I'm now a Commander of team Angelina Jolie for Actress and a Commandr elect of team Ariel, Disney Sisters game. go try it! If you're interested, [[click here]] ! 7. I have this habit of recording myself singing 8. I often imagine myself with some big shot around. Needless to say, my most recent 'Sole Reason My Heart Beats' is (to quote Sir Lancelot of King Arthur's Round Table, from The Squire's Tale by Gerald Morris) Peerless Perfection of him! I<3 him =) 9. Many still do not know this, but I enjoy dancing. I learn some steps off some MVs, or do something til it seems like a routine, or just freestyle to the song. Mostly freestyle. And, no, I'm not showing you. It's purely for my own leisure only. A great way to pass time too. 10. (I'm running out of ideas!) I straightened my hair 3 times. 11. I own 5 and a half blogs altogether, this and another one being most frequently updated. Too bad, all other 4 and a half are for private viewings only. =) 12. I'm a Sony fan, with exception of phones (Nokia!) and mp3/4/whatever (Apple!). I own a Sony Vaio laptop (red), Sony Handycam (red), Sony Cybershot (no, no colour choice for this), Nokia N95 (same as Arron Yan's in 霹雳MIT (Mysterious Incredible Terminator) except that his is the pale one and mine is the dark one. Mine is falling apart already, btw, any sponsors for new phone?), Apple iPod Touch 8GB. Used to have Nokia 3200 (first phone! 2003-2006) and a Nokia 6280 (second phone! 2006-2008), Walker 512MB mp3 player (it's still on my shelf. Had been there for a few years already. Was a birthday gift from my dad's accountant in year 2005), Apple iPod Nano 4GB 2nd Generation Blue (in the possession of my cousin now). 13. I work BEST under pressure. Though I'll get a wee bit forgetful. But I really thrive under pressure. BUT! I'm a huge fan of reverse psychology. 14. I'm an avid photographer+videographer. Very avid, in fact. 15. Though I wrote in many people's autograph book that I have 2 emails, I rarely use the other one. I normally just use my hotmail one. 16. I like thinking up eccentric names. Use 'em for my future kids? Maybe. And I like the surname Qiu for my kids :) (Hint, 勝翊, HINT!!) And, alas! I tag:: 1. Gillian! Since she thumped Ah Yuan's AHEM the other day, I think you can come up with many interesting stuff. 2. Angie! Your blog like updated EVERYDAY, wei... And.... Hardly see you do any tag also... :D 3. Eunice Liew! Of all my teammates, you're the only one who blogs frequently. 4. Su Hui! Since you often miss me so much! 5. Tracy! Since you wrote about my copyrighted Seungri, YOU SHALL DO THIS! OR ELSE, I SUE YOU!!! 6. Jassine! I know you are tagged by Kar Inn, but since you are so free, you can do another one! And you are my child! You must! 7.-10. -insert your name- Concluded! Music is Love. Monday, February 9, 2009 I'm blown away by Fahrenheit's new album 越来越爱.:D Truly. They improved, man!! Wuzun can sing quite well now! Was so impressed! And Arron don't sound like a kid who can sing; he sounds like a great singer of a group! All those harmonizing and stuff, he sounds more into it and more matured now! And Jiro! His greatest and weakest is his nasal voice and rockstar-wannabe-voice, so he turned it a little and played it to the very extreme that he sounds AWESOME now! This is a first for them to have so many ballads and no more bubblegum pop :D Noticed I did not mention Calvin. Cause he sounds like he's imitating the way Arron used to sing (failed) and he tried using those lala voice (娃娃音). >.< Quote Wuzun: 辰亦儒, 飞轮海不需要你了! Fahrenheit without Calvin? What whould it be? It'll be... heaven. :D Sorry, Calvin's fans. Since I'm so wuliao these days, something happened that I said I must blog about. I'm the sole witness for some balls busting actions. XD Somebody got their hands on some fake moustache (those sticker kind). After fooling around for a wee while, Ah Yuan decided to paste it at the back of Gillian's shirt. And Gillian (unknowingly) did a hop. Ah Yuan escaped unscathed, and tried again. This time, Gillian jumped right up and yelled, "I'm shoeless! (or something like that)" and her heel just slammed into Ah Yuan's, err, -area between the legs-. AND GILLIAN DID NOT REALISE! Until she turned around and saw the mentioned someone squatting down in pain. XD And then we realise nobody saw the whole thing as a third party perspective, except for me. XD Music is Love.
Private @ blogspot FAMILY Angie @ blogspot EuChuan @ blogspot Gillian @ blogspot Joanne @ LiveJournal RenWei @ blogspot RenYong @ blogspot FRIENDS Adeline @ blogspot Agnes @ blogspot Aiman @ blogspot Bobby @ blogspot Calista @ blogspot Candy @ blogspot Carey @ blogspot Cheryl @ blogspot Eunice @ blogspot Eva @ blogspot Genevynn @ blogspot HL @ blogspot Jassine @ blogspot JiaYi @ blogspot JoeyWoo @ blogspot Julia @ blogspot KarInn @ blogspot Kareema @ blogspot KokWai (Grandpa) @ blogspot MeiKi @ blogspot MeiPing @ blogspot Melanie @ blogspot Nanako @ blogspot ParadigmShit @ blogspot PehYee (Chocolate) @ blogspot Peilin @ blogspot Preetibah @ blogspot Sara O. @ blogspot Sara C. @ blogspot SerMin @ blogspot SharLinn @ blogspot ShinPuay @ tumblr SiWei @ blogspot SP Daiko @ blogspot SuHui @ blogspot Suphatta @ blogspot Terence @ blogspot Tracy @ blogspot WeiLing @ blogspot WenXue @ blogspot Wern-Li @ blogspot Yihui @ blogspot Yixian @ blogspot YingZhao @ blogspot YL @ blogspot FAMOUS PEOPLE ABen阿本 @ [V] Blog A CHORD @ Wretch Arron Yan @ Wretch Calvin Chen @ Wretch Chase Ellison @ Own Domain Blogspot Danson Tang @ Wretch Dasmond Koh @ Own Domain David翰奖 @ Wretch @ [V] Blog Hey! Say! JUMP @ J-Storm @ Johnny's Net HotHeart @ blogspot Jiro Wang @ Wretch Joshua Ang @ Own Domain Brian小桀 @ [V] Blog Peter李铨 @ [V] Blog Modi毛弟 @ Wretch @ [V] Blog Prince王子 @ Wretch @ [V] Blog Shawn小马 @ [V] Blog Shawn Tok @ Own Domain Shu Chen @ Wretch Sunnie Huang @ Yahoo! MyBlog Wayne阿緯 @ Wretch @ [V] Blog Wu Chun @ Wretch 直樹&湘琴*愛的小窩*:Xuite日誌 @ Xuite ENTERTAINMENT Games @ Addicting Games @ Orange Shark @ Dragon Fable @ Mech Quest Stimulations @ Chicken CHATBOX HOSTS Cbox @ click here! ShoutMix @ click here! SayBox @ click here MyFlashBox @ click here Chatango mini Chatroom @ click here Flooble @ click here Previous March 2008April 2008 June 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 March 2010 May 2010 June 2010 November 2010 Credits Fellow Music Lover: Angelaand made with the wonders of Adobe PS
A trip to Italy A trip to Japan learn guitar have red/white highlights watch S'pore F1 night race hoodies Hey! Say! JUMP concert DVD GPA > 3.75 sneakers (size 7/8) DRAMAS TO WATCH My Date With A Vampire (I,II and III) Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo (I, II, III and all specials) So I'm Not Handsome |